A downloadable prompt drawing game

#+TITLE: Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 README

Known working on apple, linux, openbsd

Watch setup & drawing gameplay videos, become wise:  https://toobnix.org/w/p/r9CYP4dcaDiyp79ug8oTpv



Drawing game! Receive a prompt and follow your heart with your turtle.

A Common Lisp Logos (turtle-drawing) implementation, historically used for game design. * 

Getting it 

1. Download it from https://lispy-gopher-show.itch.io/logos-jam-lisp 

2. Install a lisp like sbcl https://sbcl.org and McCLIM https://codeberg.org/McCLIM/McCLIM 

3. untar scrlogos.tar.gz inside ~/common-lisp/. ("An asdf path"). 

 * Build it 

I think the chances are very low that the linux executable build artifact in the folder will work on your machine. But making your own one consists of these three lines:


(require :asdf) 
(asdf:operate 'asdf:build-op :scrlogos/executable) 


 The executable by default is the new ~/common-lisp/scrlogos/scrlogos-jam file. Move it to a different directory and try ./scrlogos-jam in that directory. Videos and screenshots to come. Probably maximise the window.

Dynamic button labelling is glitchy, but not in a mission critical way.

Will you won't you will you won't you won't you join the dance?


scrlogos.tar.gz 26 MB
turtle.mp4 11 MB

Install instructions

Build deps

1. Have sbcl https://sbcl.org/

2. Have ~/common-lisp/ (asdf directory)

3. Have McCLIM https://codeberg.org/McCLIM/McCLIM

4. untar this inside ~/common-lisp/ 


mkdir -p ~/common-lisp
cd ~/common-lisp/
tar xzvf ~/Downloads/scrlogos.tar.gz




(require :asdf) 
(asdf:operate 'asdf:build-op :scrlogos/executable) 




cd ~/common-lisp/scrlogos


Close the window and type 'yes' at the prompt to quit.

Development log

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