Squiggly Turtle Drawing Prototype Release

Prototype engine.
a small circle wanders around leaving a squiggly trail, then replays sections of the squiggly tail in different positions. You could ask yourself, which of the functions works in replays (changing stepsize rescales the vector output, but changing angle increment doesn't. Saving a new script after replaying several scripts creates a new, bigger script. If you want it to be different gimme some feedback.
Prototype release is out
I'm going to spend the rest of this jame just making assets. My game submission is basically going to be navigable clusters of assets. Everything is CC/SA.
More videos, screenshots, (this) devlog later today finally.
There's a linux executable artifact in the zip, but building it is honestly just the line (asdf:operate 'asdf:build-op :scrlogos/executable) so I mean, do that.
Rest of the jam I'm making vector art
I'll add some exposition in replies here on the s-expression language and (x1 y1 x2 y2) vector output files.
The language of the output.
A segment of the generated squiggle.logos is
Undo, jump, tail-up/tail-down, changing angle and step increments should also be preserved in more interesting vector scripts, but might clobber a custom rescaling. This is a prototype.
The reason it's like this is that this is what I got for doing 0 work or thinking from mcclim (just saving clim commands before executing them).
Edit: Writing the line s-expressions
This is converted to 4-tuples for lines by scrlogos using context like step-len, angle-inc and turtle-x, turtle-y, and these line sexps are just thrown to clim:draw-line.
Currently you would save the currently realized 4-tuples out of the application-frame yourself, ie C-c in the do-you-want-to-quit prompt
(in-package :scrlogos/hleve) (with-open-file (out #p"line.sexp" :direction :output) (with-slots (lines) *logos* (print lines out)))
(Hang on I need to check that's the current code) (yes it was, but this is an Advanced Lisp User Feature at the moment)
Get logos-lisp-legend
Incredible turtle drawing game
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When I changed the keyboard movement controls from wsad to up down left right, they stopped working because I was using a graphic-char-only keyboard event getter. I fixed that. There's a unified diff here for the extremely keen:
Bugfix2: Above unified diff amended, so the turtle has a "head" which indicates what would be the next line placement.