lll success (mac obsd linux)! And live videos channel

Do not forget to try and rate

We know it works on Mac Linux Mac again Openbsd at least! Thanks rat, cadence, mdh and everyone else!


Video on dependencies, 5 minutes, learn a lot:


Mastodon toot: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape/112516569094232767

Me extracting and figuring out our own game:


Mastodon toot: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape/112516678754635823

Herd with the mastodons and toob with toobnix

But using my words as well

Long story short

  1. Install sbcl with the installer for your OS
  2. Download https://beta.quicklisp.org/quicklisp.lisp
  3. sbcl --load quicklisp.lisp and follow / say yes to the 3 instructions
  4. (ql:quickload :mcclim)
  5. Download scrlogos.tar.gz and tar xzvf scrlogos.tar.gz inside ~/common-lisp/
  6. sbcl
  7. (ql:quickload :mcclim)
    1. Alternate branch: (asdf:operate 'asdf:build-op :scrlogos/executable) for the executable
  8. (asdf:load-system :scrlogos)
  9. (in-package :scrlogos/hleve)
  10. (reinitialize-instance *logos*)
  11. (run-frame-top-level *logos*)

That looks long, but watch the videos and chat on mastodon T B H


scrlogos.tar.gz 26 MB
30 days ago

Get logos-lisp-legend


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Note on Mac, run XQuartz (/Applications/Utilities) before running sbcl, mcclim won’t retry finding an X11 connection.