LISP kind of society urgently needed

Right at the opening of fall lisp game jam, my friend, and if she'll allow, mentor yduJ reprimanded me for actively inviting people into LambdaMOO - fun, yes, but's computer isn't infinite in scope and Nosredna and the other wizards are responsible for everything someone is responsible for.

Basically this graph was the problem.

look screen on population meter

so this jam I am setting out to make a lisp reimagining *multiplayable game world* recogniseable as being a MOO (MUD, Object Oriented) based on my mcclim engine work, which is frozen for the duration of this jam. To be clear, this jam is the game, that can be opened, connected to, and played, whereas moonclimb such as it is is the engine and infrastructure that allow a MOO "game" server to be made.

Get lispmoo2

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