(formal) game logic
1. Intro
This begins part 2 of https://lispy-gopher-show.itch.io/lispmoo2/devlog/906389/my-programming-principles-for-game-dev-12. Which contains the first five parts.
These second five parts contain complex thoughts, so I am addressing each part separately.
2. Formal logic for game updates
This part slips some formal methods into the mix. My idea is that if we run an update function thousands or millions of times, simple intuition is not good enough to make promises about what it will end up doing.
Since I am making use of defgeneric and defmethod for my lisp CLOS classes, and define-command for my McCLIM application-frames I am giving defun to first order logic, acl2's extended subset of common lisp.
3. Indicative game state update
I am only interested in my own function formal-update-function's logic here, not the series in-place update code (alter choice update)
nor the lisp compiler's loop
implementation. I did not write those.
(let ((my-game-state (list 'any 'modifiable 'sequence 'type)) (loop :repeat 1000 :do (let* ((my-series (scan my-game-state)) (choice (choose #Z(t t t) my-series)) (update (#Mmy-formal-update-function choice))) (alter choice update)) :finally (return list)))
Series' alter performs my-formal-update-function in-place a thousand times using loop.
4. Validating my-formal-update-function (in shell)
If I put my-formal-update-function in a file, my-formal-update-function.lisp, I can feed it and theories about it into ACL2 for automatic validation and grep for Failures.
acl2 < my-formal-update-function.lisp | grep Failure
5. Validating my-formal-update-function (in LISP)
and grep for any failures, for example. We will use lisp instead:
(search "Failure" (uiop:run-program "acl2" :input #p"my-formal-update-function.lisp" :output :string))
6. A worked example
6.1. Defining deep learning's relu
(defun relu (x) "relu (x) returns NIL if x is not a number, 0 if the x was negative, and x otherwise." (and (acl2-numberp x) (if (minusp x) 0 x)))
If our input is not a number, we propagate NIL as is conventional instead.
6.2. Common lisp support for acl2
ACL2 actually extends its subset of lisp with its own "recognizers" like acl2-numberp as well as thm, implies and things. At the moment, only for common lisp I am providing fake acl2 recognizer support like
(defun acl2-numberp (x) (numberp x))
the distinction is that while in practice we can pretend irrational numbers like π, e and √2 never happen, a logic has to be very careful of what it thinks it can do.
6.3. Write relu to a file
Let us put our definition in a file:
(with-open-file (out #p"relu.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print '(defun relu (x) "relu (x) returns NIL if x is not a number, 0 if the x was negative, and x otherwise." (and (acl2-numberp x) (if (minusp x) 0 x))) out))
following the convention of NIL for arguments outside its domain. acl2 functions must be total.
6.4. run acl2 on that file
and feed it to acl2:
(uiop:run-program "acl2" :input #p"relu.lisp" :output :string)
we do have to constrain ourselves to acl2's extended subset of common lisp i.e. mostly no side effects. So our side effects will live in methods and commands, but our defuns can be pure. They can actually contain side effects using single threaded objects, but that is a kettle of fish for another day.
Let us try writing a theory to a file
6.5. Writing a theory about relu to a file
(with-open-file (out #p"relu-thm.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print '(thm (implies (and (equal x (1- y)) (< c 0) (zerop (relu y)) (not (zerop (relu (+ y c))))) (equal y 0))) out))
and throw both of those into ACL2:
6.6. Passing both relu and the theorem to acl2
(with-open-file (in-relu #p"relu.lisp") (with-open-file (in-thm #p"relu-thm.lisp") (uiop:run-program "acl2" :input (make-concatenated-stream in-relu in-thm) :output :string)))
GCL (GNU Common Lisp) 2.6.14 Fri Jan 13 10:47:56 AM EST 2023 ANSI git: Version_2_6_14 Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp), GPL(unexec,bfd,xgcl) Binary License: GPL due to GPL'ed components: (XGCL UNEXEC) Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL. Temporary directory for compiler files set to /tmp/ ; Hons-Note: grew SBITS to 9648622; 0.19 seconds, [unknown] bytes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ACL2 Version 8.5 + + built January 16, 2023 08:05:44. + + Copyright (C) 2022, Regents of the University of Texas. + + ACL2 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software and + + you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For + + details, see the LICENSE file distributed with ACL2. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ System books directory "/usr/share/acl2-8.5dfsg/books/". Type :help for help. Type (quit) to quit completely out of ACL2. ACL2 !> Since RELU is non-recursive, its admission is trivial. We observe that the type of RELU is described by the theorem (OR (AND (RATIONALP (RELU X)) (<= 0 (RELU X))) (COMPLEX-RATIONALP (RELU X)) (EQUAL (RELU X) NIL)). Summary Form: ( DEFUN RELU ...) Rules: NIL Time: 0.01 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.00, other: 0.01) RELU ACL2 !>Goal' Goal'' Q.E.D. Summary Form: ( THM ...) Rules: ((:DEFINITION NOT) (:DEFINITION RELU) (:DEFINITION ZEROP) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART TAU-SYSTEM) (:FAKE-RUNE-FOR-TYPE-SET NIL) (:REWRITE COMMUTATIVITY-OF-+)) Time: 0.01 seconds (prove: 0.01, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) Prover steps counted: 189 Proof succeeded. ACL2 !>Bye.
Ah, confusingly acl2 does not output the input it received. Well, it seems to work.
6.7. A not-provably-true theorem
What if we make a mistake in our theorem? (Though it could also be that the theory is provable and acl2 just does not see how to do it.)
(with-open-file (out #p"bad-relu-thm.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print '(thm (implies (and (equal x (1- y)) ;;(< c 0) (zerop (relu y)) (not (zerop (relu (+ y c))))) (equal y 0))) out))
and run that
6.8. Passing the bad theory to acl2
(with-open-file (in-relu #p"relu.lisp") (with-open-file (in-thm #p"bad-relu-thm.lisp") (uiop:run-program "acl2" :input (make-concatenated-stream in-relu in-thm) :output :string)))
GCL (GNU Common Lisp) 2.6.14 Fri Jan 13 10:47:56 AM EST 2023 ANSI git: Version_2_6_14 Source License: LGPL(gcl,gmp), GPL(unexec,bfd,xgcl) Binary License: GPL due to GPL'ed components: (XGCL UNEXEC) Modifications of this banner must retain notice of a compatible license Dedicated to the memory of W. Schelter Use (help) to get some basic information on how to use GCL. Temporary directory for compiler files set to /tmp/ ; Hons-Note: grew SBITS to 9648622; 0.21 seconds, [unknown] bytes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ACL2 Version 8.5 + + built January 16, 2023 08:05:44. + + Copyright (C) 2022, Regents of the University of Texas. + + ACL2 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software and + + you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. For + + details, see the LICENSE file distributed with ACL2. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ System books directory "/usr/share/acl2-8.5dfsg/books/". Type :help for help. Type (quit) to quit completely out of ACL2. ACL2 !> Since RELU is non-recursive, its admission is trivial. We observe that the type of RELU is described by the theorem (OR (AND (RATIONALP (RELU X)) (<= 0 (RELU X))) (COMPLEX-RATIONALP (RELU X)) (EQUAL (RELU X) NIL)). Summary Form: ( DEFUN RELU ...) Rules: NIL Time: 0.00 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) RELU ACL2 !>Goal' Goal'' ([ A key checkpoint: Goal'' (IMPLIES (AND (ACL2-NUMBERP Y) (< Y 0) (<= 0 (+ C Y))) (EQUAL (+ C Y) 0)) *1 (Goal'') is pushed for proof by induction. ]) No induction schemes are suggested by *1. Consequently, the proof attempt has failed. Summary Form: ( THM ...) Rules: ((:DEFINITION NOT) (:DEFINITION RELU) (:DEFINITION ZEROP) (:FAKE-RUNE-FOR-TYPE-SET NIL) (:REWRITE COMMUTATIVITY-OF-+)) Time: 0.01 seconds (prove: 0.01, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) Prover steps counted: 239 --- The key checkpoint goal, below, may help you to debug this failure. See :DOC failure and see :DOC set-checkpoint-summary-limit. --- *** Key checkpoint at the top level: *** Goal'' (IMPLIES (AND (ACL2-NUMBERP Y) (< Y 0) (<= 0 (+ C Y))) (EQUAL (+ C Y) 0)) ACL2 Error [Failure] in ( THM ...): See :DOC failure. ******** FAILED ******** ACL2 !>Bye.
we can see failed theorems (like failed defuns) include "Failure" in their result.
7. Happy Trails
I hope to see everyone at the live show on Wednesday (American Tuesday evening) as always.
Same time as every week:
and chatter about formal methods in gamedev here and on the Mastodon.
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Status | Prototype |
Author | screwtape |
Tags | common-lisp, emacs, lisp, mcclim, moo, new-kind-of-society, swank, Text based |
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