Lengthy detailed GIT and ASDF LISP story
On the chilling-themed episode today (archive bot failed: archive later), we started to explore a few peoples' git useage and systems.
While a reasonable amount of the episode was me just saying stuff I do-a-lot-every-day or reading others' descriptions, I think there is enough for a modestly interesting how-to-lisp article. Criticism and participation appreciated.
2. GIT
You could not do this, but you also could do this. I noticed that nobody seems very happy with their git flow, up to and including git flow bloggers. Here's what I do.
- Make a repository on https://codeberg.org/tfw/ or possibly https://gitlab.com/screwlisp since that's where mdhughes is
=cd ~/gits/=
=git clone --bare git@gitlab.com:screwlisp/my-repo-name.git=
=cd ~/working/=
=got checkout ~/gits/my-repo-name=
= cd ~/common-lisp/=
=ln -s ~/working/my-repo-name=
A less stepful version would be to just clone the repo into
or if specifically only using quicklisp,
, but I like to use got's
collection of specific, sophisticated behaviours rather than
git's do-anything-at-all methodology.
2.1. If a folder like ~/common-lisp/foo/ already exists
=cd ~/common-lisp/foo/=
=git init=
=git remote set-url origin git@codeberg.org:tfw/foo.git=
=git push -f=
Since got and git differ, I won't try and summarise what-you-do-with-them.
Also I'm not addressing special cases.
Well, let's say you're me, and you decide to remake NUD from the ground up.
This is just what I normally do day-to-day. I guess there's
a git, in whatever your prefered style
3.1. nud/nud.asd
Note the implied system definition is for =load-op=
, don't
worry about it but you can have system operations that do
literally anything to a system (the other default conventional
one being =test-op=
(defsystem "nud" :depends-on (:nud/user) :class :package-inferred-system)
this system-definition-file says that when somebody does
something like =(require :nud)=
or =(asdf:load-system
, this means to load whatever =:nud/user=
is, by
default meaning =~/common-lisp/nud/user.lisp=
=:class :package-inferred-system=
means that every package is
one file, and every source file is one package. The first thing
in source files is required to be a package definition, in my
case =:nud/user=
(uiop:define-package :nud/user (:mix :nud/main :cl))
my convention is that normal systems always have a
:my-system/user package that :mixes or :import-froms everything
for normal use of that package. This makes it a pretty good
choice to load when someone says =(require :nud)=
, even if
they don't intend to =(in-package :nud/user)=
per se. Compare,
3.1.1. Odd(er) things about package-inferred-system
Note that packages are referred to by the path to their source
file within the system, not their registered package name. If
you want to register a differe package name, you could
=(register-system-packages :nud/user '(:nud-user))=
in your
.asd file. However, you still refer to :nud/user (i.e. its path)
in :depends-on, :mix, :use and so forth. However the package
name it is Truly Registered Under will be :nud-user rather than
the default, :nud/user. Actually, I never do this, since the
old-fashioned-style nicknames just take a whole package name as
an alias for the package. So I don't, but I could
(uiop:define-package :nud/user (:mix :nud/main :cl) (:nicknames :nud-user))
And this is similar to having register-system-packages :nud/user to :nud-user, except that I can also refer to the package (truly) using :nud/user, and I would get this when I introspect the package's name I guess.
3.2. Dependencies
As we can see, =:nud/user=
mixes =:nud/main=
. Mix is like
use, except it assumes you always want to shadow prior
definitions. So if :nud/main and :cl had an exported name
collision, mix shadows :cl's one with :nud/main's one. Otherwise
you have to customise :shadowing a lot, potentially.
Since we are =:class :package-inferred-system=
what-to-compile is recursively found from the =:depends-on
in the system definition asd file.
4. Compiling lisp
The major occupation, I think, is what to do when I modify :nud/main. Let's tell the whole story.
4.1. Start lisp
in emacs, I guess. =$ sbcl=
in a shell would work too. I
really meant the whole story
4.2. Require nud
(require :nud)
4.3. Enter nud/user to use nud
(in-package :nud/user)
This has compiled :nud/main as a dependency of :nud/user. But what if I now modify :nud/main. I often forget to add exports to the package definition.
4.3.1. Change
(uiop:define-package :nud/main (:mix :cl) (:export #:gird #:move-in #:move-on #:look #:} #:}} #:{ #:reg-act #:cursor-set #:] #:]] #:[ #:[[ #:&))
my naming decisions notwithstanding, I have forgotten to export
, which I added to work like =@=
in VI (it executes
whatever is in a register, as vi expressions/macros).
But, I forgot to export it.
(uiop:define-package :nud/main (:mix :cl) (:export #:gird #:move-in #:move-on #:look #:} #:}} #:{ #:reg-act #:cursor-set #:] #:]] #:[ #:[[ #:& #:@))
4.3.2. Recompile just :nud/main (and dependencies that changed at all)
(asdf:load-system :nud/main :force t)
the =:force t=
is necessary, because asdf's default behaviour
is to leave packages that are already loaded alone. Forcing lets
it know to overwrite the already-loaded package in places that
Well, now I can use the exported symbol (it's a function)
(nud/main:@ g)
; @ performs an operation on a particularly structured cons tree conventionally named g.
4.3.3. Recompile just :nud/user
But since I only recompiled =:nud/main=
, I don't have this
newly exported symbol mixed into =:nud/user=
, which I would
like it to be.
(asdf:load-system :nud/user :force t)
Now, =:nud/user=
gets recompiled (now mixing =:nud/main:@=
but =:nud/main=
did not need to be recompiled. And =@=
mixed into =:nud/user=
(@ g)
. In this case I could have just =(asdf:load-system :nud/user
:force t)=
which would have found and recompiled
's changes, but not doing that was a learning
Note that variables and things unique to the =:nud/user=
package instances loaded into the repl were
preserved, unless they were explicitly overwritten by a source
change, so you don't have to interrupt what you were doing at
all. I would call this hot-recompiling dependencies.
5. Summary
Other than git, my convention is to always start with an asd like:
5.1. ~/common-lisp/nud/nud.asd
(defsystem "nud" :depends-on (:nud/user) :class :package-inferred-system)
where the /user package mixes other packages to-be-used, and all source files start with package definitions like
5.2. ~/common-lisp/nud/user.lisp
(uiop:define-package :nud/user (:mix :nud/main :cl))
5.3. ~/common-lisp/nud/main.lisp
(uiop:define-package :nud/main (:mix :cl) (:export #:gird #:move-in #:move-on #:look #:} #:}} #:{ #:reg-act #:cursor-set #:] #:]] #:[ #:[[ #:& #:@)) (in-package :nud/main)
6. Other packages referencing single file/packages within this one
Let's say I wanted to drag in :Marklib as currently housed in :arrokoth to choose a specific example with :nud/user.
6.1. ~/common-lisp/nud/user.lisp
(uiop:define-package :nud/user (:import-from :arrokoth/marklib) (:mix :nud/main :cl))
Er, refering to my specific PR of arrokoth. Note that the package :marklib is a synonym for :arrokoth/marklib, since it has that global nickname. People say don't do this, but I do.
However in asdf's :package-inferred-system, I'm really giving
paths to files inside of asdf's central source registry
locations, even if I register-system-packages :arrokoth/marklib
to truly just be named :marklib. Of course, I could just move
marklib to its own system with
and so forth.
Get lispmoo2
Status | Prototype |
Author | screwtape |
Tags | common-lisp, emacs, lisp, mcclim, moo, new-kind-of-society, swank, Text based |
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