Add Another System Definition to Arrokoth PR

1. Wait, what?

So, I found an old gitlab account I had from university, and opened a PR to add asdf to's I dunno if you caught the show, but the one point I repeated over and over was that Arrokoth in a diamond in the rough.

2. The PR.

According to gitlab dot com, My changes were:


change the invocation to

sbcl --noinform --eval '(asdf:load-system :arrokoth)' --eval '(arrokoth:run)'

oops, I accidentally nuked those markdown block backticks. Those feels when merge rejected

2.2. Arrokoth.lisp

I changed however it is the non-asdf load was working to asdf package-inferred-system

(uiop:define-package :arrokoth/arrokoth
    (:import-from :clx)
  (:mix :clim :clim-lisp :arrokoth/marklib :cl)
  (:export run)
  (:nicknames :arrokoth)

(ql:quickload :mcclim)

Tbh I think that (:import-from :clx) should replace (ql:Quickload :mcclim), but I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

I did some housekeeping- not interning export symbols, which causes conflicts when systems that depend on this system are loaded I think,

and I changed the reference "imgs/" (ie a local dir named imgs/) to

 (asdf:system-source-directory :arrokoth))

Oops, I meant to write #p"img/". Well, whatever, it doesn't matter.

This always refers to the directory arrokoth.asd was found in, so path/to/arrokoth/img/ in the end.

2.3. Marklib.lisp

Similar, now it can either be referred to inside Arrokoth, though it might eventually become its own asdf system.


Author: screwlisp

Created: 2025-01-23 Thu 20:03


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