Common names lisp and random names app
lispmoo2 » Devlog
I needed some names for a different game example so I made these lists. These are names from historical NZ data.
1. Source
1.1. Repo
git clone ln -s common-names -t ~/common-lisp/
1.2. Lisp
(require :common-names)
2. Names
2.1. Girls
(print common-names/names:*girls*)
("Sophie" "Olivia" "Ella" "Isabella" "Charlotte" "Lily" "Emma" "Emily" "Jessica" "Grace" "Hannah" "Chloe" "Ruby" "Lucy" "Ava" "Amelia" "Madison" "Maia" "Mia" "Holly" "Sophia" "Zoe" "Paige" "Georgia" "Kate" "Brooke" "Maddison" "Samantha" "Sienna" "Isla" "Jade" "Sarah" "Katie" "Stella" "Eva" "Caitlin" "Hayley" "Jasmine" "Elizabeth" "Tayla" "Anna" "Summer" "Bella" "Amy" "Isabelle" "Mikayla" "Molly" "Keira" "Kayla" "Abigail" "Amber" "Zara" "Alexis" "Millie" "Alyssa" "Aaliyah" "Eden" "Nevaeh" "Gemma" "Rebecca" "Phoebe" "Danielle" "Mya" "Aria" "Leah" "Ashley" "Poppy" "Harmony" "Laura" "Manaia" "Scarlett" "Angel" "Abby" "Maya" "Rose" "Lilly" "Victoria" "Jorja" "Hazel" "Savannah" "Tessa" "Alexandra" "Natalie" "Peyton" "Sofia" "Maria" "Lauren" "Alice" "Lucia" "Anika" "Caitlyn" "Gabrielle" "Mackenzie" "Ayla" "Chelsea" "Gabriella" "Madeleine" "Nicole" "Trinity" "Madeline" "Faith" "Skye" "Brianna" "Anahera" "Isabel" "Kaitlyn" "Nikita" "Ashlee" "MacKenzie" "Libby" "Aimee" "Jessie" "Courtney" "Rachel" "Paris" "Ashleigh" "Natasha" "Jemma" "Megan" "Stephanie" "Imogen" "Lydia" "Claudia" "Jenna" "Tiana" "Erin" "Ariana" "Angelina")
2.2. Boys
(print common-names/names:*boys*)
("Taylor" "Brooklyn" "Riley" "Jack" "James" "William" "Samuel" "Joshua" "Liam" "Oliver" "Benjamin" "Daniel" "Thomas" "Jacob" "Ethan" "Jayden" "Noah" "Ryan" "Lucas" "Luke" "Max" "Hunter" "Matthew" "Lachlan" "Alexander" "Dylan" "Connor" "Blake" "Tyler" "Caleb" "Charlie" "George" "Joseph" "Cooper" "Nathan" "Logan" "Alex" "Cameron" "Michael" "Harrison" "Isaac" "Jackson" "Toby" "Jordan" "Xavier" "Levi" "Harry" "Jake" "Ashton" "Finn" "Jesse" "Oscar" "Elijah" "Leo" "Cody" "John" "Luca" "Mason" "Aidan" "Charles" "Flynn" "Henry" "Kingston" "Jamie" "Adam" "David" "Joel" "Reuben" "Aaron" "Bailey" "Lincoln" "Nicholas" "Sam" "Christian" "Seth" "Andrew" "Carter" "Sebastian" "Angus" "Ben" "Troy" "Zachary" "Edward" "Robert" "Hamish" "Dominic" "Isaiah" "Phoenix" "Archie" "Callum" "Kyle" "Luka" "Hayden" "Christopher" "Felix" "Quinn" "Cole" "Aiden" "Gabriel" "Leon" "Marcus" "Nathaniel" "Patrick" "Sean" "Jason" "Louis" "Mitchell" "Lukas" "Jonathan" "Peter" "Austin" "Vincent" "Kaleb" "Carlos" "Brayden" "Anthony" "Bradley" "Timothy" "Regan" "Justin")
3. Well, let's add a mcclim app for randomly choosing names
3.1. Require mcclim
(require :mcclim)
I also move to (in-package :clim-user) in my repl.
3.2. Random names app
(define-application-frame name-frame () ((girls :initform common-names/names:*girls*) (boys :initform common-names/names:*boys*)) (:pane :interactor))
3.3. Commands
3.3.1. boys
(define-name-frame-command (com-boys :menu t :name t) ((no '(integer 1 100) :default '1)) (with-slots (boys) *application-frame* (loop :repeat no :for r := (random (length boys)) :for name := (nth r boys) :do (princ name) (princ " "))))
3.3.2. girls
(define-name-frame-command (com-girls :menu t :name t) ((no '(integer 1 100) :default '1)) (with-slots (girls) *application-frame* (loop :repeat no :for r := (random (length girls)) :for name := (nth r girls) :do (princ name) (princ " "))))
3.3.3. people
(define-name-frame-command (com-people :menu t :name t) ((no '(integer 1 100) :default '1)) (with-slots (girls boys) *application-frame* (loop :with people := (append girls boys) :repeat no :for r := (random (length people)) :for name := (nth r people) :do (princ name) (princ " "))))
3.4. find app (at any time)
(find-application-frame 'name-frame)
4. Hope it helps you!
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Status | Prototype |
Author | screwtape |
Tags | common-lisp, emacs, lisp, mcclim, moo, new-kind-of-society, swank, Text based |
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