In which we use common lisp interface manager McCLIM to allow a cat to walk to a star. 1. Setup ( progn ( require :asdf ) ( require :mcclim ) ( in-package :clim...
So we drew and improved a heart once. But what about drawing a lot of hearts? 1. A table of hearts In this article we learn how to use lisp mcclim clim's tables...
Let's 1. improve our valentine's day heart attempt and lisp clim drawing skillz. Re-opening the application-frame window after making changes clearly sucks. and...
*Prepare for valentine's day by drawing a heart with LISP McCLIM! I'm not an artist. Prahou is the show artist. Setting-stuff-up I'll link in an appendix. Let's...
1. INTRO On the chilling-themed episode today (archive bot failed: archive later), we started to explore a few peoples' git useage and systems. While a reasonab...
1. Wait, what? So, I found an old gitlab account I had from university, and opened a PR to add asdf
1. Live Show Starting in a mo' reconnect if the (mp3) stream's playing up. This and lisp / dev / gamedev / science/fiction...
1. Challenge 2 screwlisp 1.1. Input '(a (b c) d (e f)) overwrite the b with the f. 1.2. Screwtape's solution. ( progn ( require :nud ) ( in-package :nud/user )...