PAINSTAKING SOURCE COMPARISON vidak's robots vs screwlisp's

PAINSTAKING DETAIL vidak's robots versus screwlisp's robots
Table of Contents
1. Robots intro
Robots is a classic game where the player tries to trick robots into crashing into each other and escape death.
Vidak has their own port of robots to lisp.
Here, I will try to line up vidak's port and my port. Download vidak and I's files, this is just for exposition, not tangling.
I will try to follow vidak's source primarily and match it to my
. To that end I will extract vidak's code; but
vidak's extensive inline prose writing you must read yourself.
Robots was my third attempt at a game for the cons after tictactoe and moving a star.
2. Initialize the game board
2.1. Vidak
(defun init-playfield () (setf *playfield* (make-array '(10 15) :initial-contents '(("#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "#") ("#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#" "#")))))
2.2. Screwlisp
(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((obj tiles) slot-names &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (grid rows cols ground-tile wreckage-tile player-row player-col) obj (setf grid (make-array `(,rows ,cols) :initial-element ground-tile) (aref grid player-row player-col) *player^*) (loop for c below cols do (setf (aref grid 0 c) wreckage-tile (aref grid (1- rows) c) wreckage-tile)) (loop for r below rows do (setf (aref grid r 0) wreckage-tile (aref grid r (1- cols)) wreckage-tile))))
2.3. Contrast
Well, I did exactly what vidak avoided. And initialized my fences (I called them wreckage) with loops. I used a 2D array of character tiles, while vidak used a square list of lists of string tiles.
If the field size is known and small enough to fit on screen, I like drawing it with ascii like vidak did. Maybe the ASCII version could all be one string, and then it could be decimated into lists like
(let ((string "***** *O O* * X * *XX * *****")) (with-input-from-string (in string) (loop for line = (read-line in nil nil) while line collect (coerce line 'string))))
To avoid the visually confusing quotation marks in the ascii.
In my case, I was also using the Common Lisp Object System since CLIM
gui generation MOPs from that. Lisp words. If I use class slots,
displays automagically update on changes with CLIM. Mine appears a bit
standoffish (what are CLOS CLIM MOP and what are methods, and what is
=shared-initialize :after=
?). I also left out my class definition
and special scope variables for brevity.
2.4. Initialize some terrain
2.4.1. Vidak
(defun init-internal-fences () (dotimes (n 15) (setf (aref *playfield* (+ 1 (random 8)) (+ 1 (random 13))) "#")))
Kudos, I just didn't do this.
2.5. Place player
2.5.1. vidak
(defun init-player-position () (setf *player-coords* (list (+ 1 (random 8)) (+ 1 (random 13)))) (loop while (equal (aref *playfield* (nth 0 *player-coords*) (nth 1 *player-coords*)) "#") do (setf *player-coords* (list (+ 1 (random 8)) (+ 1 (random 13))))) (setf (aref *playfield* (nth 0 *player-coords*) (nth 1 *player-coords*)) "@"))
2.5.2. Screwlisp
(:default-initargs ;... :player-row '10 :player-col '10 ;... )
2.5.3. Comparison
In hindsight, I should have just done an initial teleport of the player. That's not the order I wrote things in. There are a few places in which I use magic numbers like 10 10 here. Lisp is quite accomodating to this, since values can be hot-fixed interactively in lisp and it saves thinking ahead. Anyway, I think we will talk more about teleporting.
3. Place robots
3.1. vidak
(defun init-robot-positions () (setf *robot-coords* (list (+ 1 (random 8)) (+ 1 (random 13)))) (loop while (equal (aref *playfield* (nth 0 *robot-coords*) (nth 1 *robot-coords*)) "#") do (setf *robot-coords* (list (+ 1 (random 8)) (+ 1 (random 13)))) ) (setf (aref *playfield* (nth 0 *robot-coords*) (nth 1 *robot-coords*)) "R") (setf *robot-positions* (append *robot-positions* (list *robot-coords*))))
3.2. screwlisp
(defun random-robot (grid) (loop for rrow = (random (array-dimension grid 0)) for rcol = (random (array-dimension grid 1)) for tile = (aref grid rrow rcol) when (equal tile *ground*) return (setf (aref grid rrow rcol) *robot*)))
3.3. Comparison
I guess I did the same kind of thing vidak did for placing the player randomly for randomly placing robots.
The key point of divergence here is that I don't maintain a list of robots. They are characters in my array, and I have an update rule across the 2D array that handles robot characters.
3.4. Display function
3.4.1. vidak (from stackoverflow popular answer website)
(defun print-2d-array-as-table (array) (loop for i from 0 below (array-dimension array 0) do (loop for j from 0 below (array-dimension array 1) do (princ (aref array i j)) (if (= j (1- (array-dimension array 1))) (terpri) (princ #\Space)))))
Aw, you should write it yourself. I guess it's interesting to see what stackoverflow thinks of looping, since I loop a lot as well.
3.4.2. screwlisp
But I don't loop here.
(defmethod display ((obj tiles) stream) (with-slots (rows cols grid) obj (with-text-style (stream (make-text-style :fix nil 12)) (present grid '(sequence t) :stream stream))))
3.4.3. Contrast
Aside, =:from 0=
is implicit in the =:below=
loop keyword.
My code is CLIM's fancy version of basically =(print array)=
, but
clim lets me customize the font to be fixed-width. Technically clim
doesn't have the idea of arrays, or it can understand a 2d array as a
sequence of sequences (of aesthetic prints which is =princ=
4. Game init (creation and setup?)
4.1. vidak
(defun game-init () (defparameter *user-input* nil) (defparameter *move-vector* '(0 0)) (defparameter check-move '(0 0)) (defparameter *robot-positions* (list)) (init-playfield) (init-internal-fences) (init-player-position) (dotimes (n 6) (init-robot-positions)))
4.2. screwlisp
Squinting, I guess this is this for me:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *ground* #\,) (defvar *player^* #\^) (defvar *player>* #\>)(defvar *player<* #\<)(defvar *playerv* #\v) (defvar *wreckage* #\*) (defvar *robot* #\r)) (defclass tiles () ((rows :initarg :rows) (cols :initarg :cols) (grid) (bots-crashed :initarg :bots-crashed) (alive :initform t) (player-row :initarg :player-row) (player-col :initarg :player-col) (ground-tile :initarg :Ground-tile ) (wreckage-tile :initarg :Wreckage-tile) ) (:default-initargs :rows 19 :cols 23 :ground-tile *ground* :wreckage-tile *wreckage* :player-row '10 :player-col '10 :bots-crashed '0) (:documentation "")) (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((obj tiles) slot-names &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys) (with-slots (grid rows cols ground-tile wreckage-tile player-row player-col) obj (setf grid (make-array `(,rows ,cols) :initial-element ground-tile) (aref grid player-row player-col) *player^*) (loop for c below cols do (setf (aref grid 0 c) wreckage-tile (aref grid (1- rows) c) wreckage-tile)) (loop for r below rows do (setf (aref grid r 0) wreckage-tile (aref grid r (1- cols)) wreckage-tile)))) (make-tv (robots (tiles)) ((com-f1 com-up com-f2) (com-left com-down com-right)) ((bots-crashed))) (defun robots-main (frame pane) (display frame pane)) (defun robots-subject (frame pane) (with-slots (alive player-row player-col) frame (present (format nil " Welcome to screwlisp's robots! You are These characters: v^<> denoting your facing. Your score is in the top right panel. You are currently ~@[~a ~]alive. ~0@*~@[Teleport to respawn~] Take screenshots of your high scores and post them to the itch or on mastodon plz " (unless alive 'not)) 'string :stream pane))) (defun robots-object (frame pane) (present (format nil " Arrowkeys, text or buttons move F1 attracts a single robot F2 teleports Safety feature: Automatically safe teleports when you start feeling claustrophobic You're welcome ") 'string :Stream pane))
4.3. Comparison
You can see mine is, I guess, a comprehensive GUI setup with five display panes, which is a bit different to printing one 2D array to the console.
Arguably, the direct comparison of mine would more have just been
(make-tv (robots (tiles)) ((com-f1 com-up com-f2) (com-left com-down com-right)) ((bots-crashed)))
This makes the 'tv' gui with some buttons and things.
5. Main and/or commands
5.1. vidak
(defun parse-input () (cond ((equal *user-input* 8) (setf *move-vector* '(-1 0))) ((equal *user-input* 2) (setf *move-vector* '(1 0))) ((equal *user-input* 4) (setf *move-vector* '(0 -1))) ((equal *user-input* 6) (setf *move-vector* '(0 1))))) (defun main-loop () (loop (print-2d-array-as-table *playfield*) (print *player-coords*) (setq *user-input* (read)) (parse-input) (game-state) (when (equal *user-input* 'quit) (return))))
5.2. screwlisp
Oh, dear! I feel like I wrote so much compared to vidak
(defun claustrophobia (grid player-row player-col) (loop for mr from -1 to +1 summing (loop for mc from -1 to +1 sum (if (equal *wreckage* (aref grid (+ player-row mr) (+ player-col mc))) 1 0)))) (defun player-move (frame dir) (with-slots (grid player-row player-col alive) frame (when alive (when (< (random 10) (claustrophobia grid player-row player-col)) (return-from player-move (teleport frame))) (multiple-value-bind (new-row new-col) (move grid player-row player-col dir) (setf player-row new-row player-col new-col) (unless (member (aref grid player-row player-col) (list *player^* *playerv* *player<* *player>*)) (setf alive nil)) ) (with-slots (grid player-row player-col bots-crashed) frame (incf bots-crashed (update-grid grid player-row player-col)))) )) (defun robot-choose-dir (grid robo-row robo-col player-row player-col) (cond ((> player-row robo-row) :down) ((< player-row robo-row) :up) ((< player-col robo-col) :left) ((> player-col robo-col) :right))) (defun move (grid old-row old-col dirkey &aux (new-row (case dirkey (:up (1- old-row)) (:down (1+ old-row)) (t old-row))) (new-col (case dirkey (:left (1- old-col)) (:right (1+ old-col)) (t old-col))) (old-tile (aref grid old-row old-col)) (new-tile (aref grid new-row new-col)) (player-dir (case dirkey (:up *player^*) (:down *playerv*) (:left *player<*) (:right *player>*)))) (cond ((and (equal old-tile *robot*) (or (equal new-tile *ground*) (member new-tile (list *player^* *playerv* *player<* *player>*)))) (setf (aref grid old-row old-col) *ground* (aref grid new-row new-col) *robot*) (values new-row new-col)) ((and (equal old-tile *robot*) (equal new-tile *robot*)) (setf (aref grid old-row old-col) *wreckage* (aref grid new-row new-col) *wreckage*) (values new-row new-col)) ((and (equal old-tile *robot*) (equal new-tile *wreckage*)) (setf (aref grid old-row old-col) *wreckage* (aref grid new-row new-col) *wreckage*) (values new-row new-col)) ((and (member old-tile (list *player^* *playerv* *player<* *player>*)) (not (equal old-tile player-dir))) (setf (aref grid old-row old-col) player-dir) (values old-row old-col)) ((and (member old-tile (list *player^* *playerv* *player<* *player>*)) (equal old-tile player-dir) (equal new-tile *ground*)) (setf (aref grid new-row new-col) old-tile (aref grid old-row old-col) *ground*) (values new-row new-col)) ((and (member old-tile (list *player^* *playerv* *player<* *player>*)) (equal old-tile player-dir) (equal new-tile *wreckage*)) (values old-row old-col)) (t (values new-row new-col) ))) (define-robots-command (com-f1 :name "f1" :keystroke (:f1)) () " Add robot randomly " (let ((frame *application-frame*)) (with-slots (grid) frame (random-robot grid)) )) (defun random-robot (grid) (loop for rrow = (random (array-dimension grid 0)) for rcol = (random (array-dimension grid 1)) for tile = (aref grid rrow rcol) when (equal tile *ground*) return (setf (aref grid rrow rcol) *robot*))) (defun teleport (frame) (with-slots (grid alive player-row player-col bots-crashed) frame (loop for rrow = (random (array-dimension grid 0)) for rcol = (random (array-dimension grid 1)) for tile = (aref grid rrow rcol) while (not (equal *ground* tile)) finally (setf (aref grid player-row player-col) *ground* player-row rrow player-col rcol (aref grid rrow rcol) *player^*) (unless alive (setf bots-crashed 0 alive t))))) (define-robots-command (com-f2 :name "f2" :keystroke (:f2)) () " Teleport " (let ((frame *application-frame*)) (teleport frame) (with-slots (grid player-row player-col) frame (update-grid grid player-row player-col) (dotimes (r (random 4)) (random-robot grid)) ))) (define-robots-command (com-up :name "up" :keystroke (:up)) () (let ((frame *application-frame*)) (player-move frame :up))) (define-robots-command (com-down :name "down" :keystroke (:down)) () (let ((frame *application-frame*)) (player-move frame :down))) (define-robots-command (com-left :name "left" :keystroke (:left)) () (let ((frame *application-frame*)) (player-move frame :left))) (define-robots-command (com-right :name "right" :keystroke (:right)) () (let ((frame *application-frame*)) (player-move frame :right)))
5.2.1. So why is screwlisp's so long?
I guess vidak's is more or less just the four movement commands at the
end. I guess my move =defun=
has bends over backwards to visually
compare the moving-from tile on the board to the moving-to tile on the
board, since there is no information except the board. I did that
deliberately ;_;.
And I did that verbosely as well, since I wanted game logic to be like this:
((and (equal from-tile this)
(equal to-tile that))
but I guess that move defun is a monster. The thing I was trying not to do was that thing people do in this situation, where they express update logic as a dense regular expression. I decided not to do that since it seems obtuse to work with to me.
One key problem you can see come up several times for me, is that I am purely identifying tiles by the characters in the array, but the character could be four different tiles depending on their facing! Ouch.
Mine has a bunch of features and quirks. Like I had the idea of claustrophobia: The player has a chance of automatically executing a safe teleport if they feel too closed in by wreckage (to stop people hiding inside a bunker and accruing infinite points).
6. Update game board
6.1. vidak
(defun game-state () (setf check-move *move-vector*) (setf new-coords (map 'list #'+ *player-coords* check-move)) (setf (aref *playfield* (nth 0 *player-coords*) (nth 1 *player-coords*)) " ") (setf *player-coords* new-coords) (setf (aref *playfield* (nth 0 *player-coords*) (nth 1 *player-coords*)) "@") (dolist (robot-item *robot-positions*) (setf (aref *playfield* (nth 0 robot-item) (nth 1 robot-item)) " ") (when (< (nth 0 robot-item) (nth 0 *player-coords*)) (setf (nth 0 robot-item) (incf (nth 0 robot-item)))) (when (> (nth 0 robot-item) (nth 0 *player-coords*)) (setf (nth 0 robot-item) (decf (nth 0 robot-item)))) (when (< (nth 1 robot-item) (nth 1 *player-coords*)) (setf (nth 1 robot-item) (incf (nth 1 robot-item)))) (when (> (nth 1 robot-item) (nth 1 *player-coords*)) (setf (nth 1 robot-item) (decf (nth 1 robot-item)))) (setf (aref *playfield* (nth 0 robot-item) (nth 1 robot-item)) "R")) (when (equal "#" (aref *playfield* (nth 0 new-coords) (nth 1 new-coords))) (print "Destroyed by an electric fence") (break)) (when (equal "R" (aref *playfield* (nth 0 new-coords) (nth 1 new-coords))) (print "Destroyed by a robot") (break)))
6.2. screwlisp
(defun update-grid (grid player-row player-col &aux (bots-crashed 0)) (loop for row below (array-dimension grid 0) for skip = () then (loop for col below (array-dimension grid 1) for tile = (aref grid row col) for moved-robots = skip then (if (and (equal tile *robot*) (not (member (list row col) moved-robots :test 'equal))) (push (multiple-value-bind (new-x new-y) (move grid row col (robot-choose-dir grid row col player-row player-col)) (when (equal *wreckage* (aref grid new-x new-y)) (incf bots-crashed)) (list new-x new-y)) moved-robots) moved-robots) finally (return moved-robots)) finally (return bots-crashed)) )
6.3. Comparison
Aha, I guess this is where vidak put the collision logic like my move defun.
In my loop, the only things that move on their own are robots, but since I'm just iterating over the 2D array, if a robot moves into a future iteration step, I generate a special list of robots that already moved.
Vidak in comparison just uses =dolist=
over their off-board lists
about state.
In this case, I made the decision to try using the visual array as the data. Vidak's seems like something that would be in the book Land of Lisp.
Forming a committee to spec a lisp game software console
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