jam-no-theme eat berries collect treasure could technically control robots
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- June 13, 2023 by screwtape1#video, #common lisp, #sdl2, #gameplay demo, #retrospective, #lisp game jamLink me your thoughts and recent game retrospectives on the mastodon please: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape/110534523906302467... Continue reading
- June 05, 2023 by screwtape1#Embeddable Common Lisp, #Common Lisp, #Lisp, #Build, #Tests, #Compilation, #C interface, #Command line interfaceHi everyone, since mostly everyone is building jam-no-theme in ecl common lisp, but some people get errors, I would like everyone to try these three build tests: https://itch.io/post/7918395 they also... Continue reading
- June 04, 2023 by screwtape1#common lisp, #lisp game jam, #release, #embeddable common lisp, #SDL2, #puzzle game, #build instructionsThanks lisp game jam! I'm calling this a release. NB: The linux binary was built with ECL 20.4 (on bullseye) and does not like ECL 21. Plz use the lisp package or Makefile ! Corollary Mastodon toot :... Continue reading
- June 03, 2023 by screwtape1#CommonLisp, #draft-release, #embeddable-common-lisp, #itch.io, #lisp-game-jam, #SDL2https://lispy-gopher-show.itch.io/jam-no-theme Edit: Catch 1, I have (require :asdf) in my .eclrc. If you don't, (you don't if you didn't put it there) that needs to be done. Well, I think I'm about r... Continue reading
- May 30, 2023 by screwtape1#lisp-game-jam, #CommonLisp, #EmbeddableCommonLisp, #Video, #Style, #Exploratory-style, #game, #programmingVideo of LISP programming over on the 'stodon https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape/110456458306869225 since I can't upload a video here. FINALLY made it to LISP for my LISP GAME JAM and I could not be... Continue reading
- May 28, 2023 by screwtape1#Common lisp, #game jam, #Embeddable Common Lisp, #Disappointingly hygeinic, #C, #instructive, #functional, #functional in another senseRewlogged from my web mirror of my gopher phosting : https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw.lite?=tilde.institute+70+302f7e73637265777... source: https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw.lite?=tilde.insti... Continue reading
- May 27, 2023 by screwtape1#common lisp, #embeddable common lisp, #SDL2, #game jam, #lisp, #C, #unhygeinic, #annotated, #difficultThis is a copy of my own web mirrored phost here: https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw.lite?=tilde.institute+70+302f7e73637265777... wirrored from here: gopher://tilde.institute/1/~screwtape/20829358... Continue reading
- May 27, 2023 by screwtape1#Common Lisp, #Embeddable Common Lisp, #SDL2, #Unhygeinic, #macros, #game jam, #lisp, #movement, #drawinggopher://tilde.institute/1/~screwtape/2023-lisp-game-jam/1-jam-no-theme/ https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw.lite?=tilde.institute+70+312f7e73637265777... Day 1 of the 2023 spring lisp game jam. Lin... Continue reading