Rebuild everything day

1. Once More With Feeling

This morning I got my friend Andrew's :cl-fast-ecs working. Great. Except… When I did a sanity cold boot… Mcclim dependencies wanted to rebuild, but couldn't…

So I nuked everything I had to set up again like you would if you turned into me.

The challenge is that mcclim, in doing literally everything literally has a lot of dependencies and quicklisp (the git dependency source manager and getter) has two outdated repos where we want current.

Might as well describe

2. installing lisp.

pkg_add ecl

You might be =pkg install ecl= or =emerge ecl= or something.

3. Not covered: Installing quicklisp

but tl;dr download the file from and =ecl -load quicklisp.lisp= it.

4. Manually getting important bits

Listen, hopefully you have both got and git installed because thaaaaaat's what I do.

apt install -y git got

5. Bare gits

mkdir ~/gits/
cd ~/gits/
git clone --bare
git clone --bare

6. checkout gots

git is common but also sucks, so I work using got instead

mkdir ~/working/
cd ~/working/
got checkout ~/gits/mcclim.git
got checkout ~/gits/zpb-ttf.git

We're getting current mcclim working by the way but not yet

7. soft link in a default lisp dir

mkdir -p ~/common-lisp/
cd ~/common-lisp/
ln -s ~/working/mcclim
ln -s ~/working/zpb-ttf

8. Start ecl with your installed quicklisp

ecl -load ~/quicklisp/setup.lisp

9. Have quicklisp drag in stable deps

for the two main systems we provided

(ql:quickload :mcclim)

10. It worked!

(in-package :Clim-user)
(define-application-frame working
  (:pane :title :title-string "Totally working."))

Author: screwlisp

Created: 2024-08-18 Sun 18:31



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Another great reference for getting started with lisp, using the popular steel bank common lisp is Andrew's

I guess 

> (find-application-frame 'working)

would open the window of the inaugural frame.